It's not just learning to make, it's learning to invent.


We are working to make modern making accessible to kids. 

Modern makers are experiencing a revolution in how they design, prototype, fabricate, and even manufacture. 3D printing and 3D design play a crucial role in this process.  We think that kinds should have the opportunity to master these skills in a way that is fun and engaging both at school and at home. 

A construction set for the 21st century. 

At Ingocraft we believe in a kind of design that comes from the support and talent of a strong community. Makers today don't design in a bubble, so we aim for Ingocraft to grow and evolve with the needs of those who use and play with it. We look forward to adapting the Ingocraft kit to work with a great diversity of projects, from dollhouses to robotics and beyond. 


We are educators and makers.

Andreas and Marianne Boll are parents and educators who have run a private school in Switzerland for many years. They moved to Sarasota Fl to bring Ingocraft to life. They have a passion for empowering kids to learn hands-on skills from a young age, and love 3D printing technology. 

Mike Benjamin is a designer and maker with a background in architectural design, custom fabrication, UX/UI design, and has a passion for invention. 

Ingocraft as a concept is definitely moving in the correct direction by showing an immediate connection between the digital modeling world to the physical world. The dawn of 3D printing implies that computers now have hands, and as incredible as that sounds we still need to educate our future workforce on how to use them at a young age.
— The Daily Fudge, 2014